Homemade pancake

This Thursday, I had a taste of a homemade Austrian style pancake. Well, I have to admit that I don’t know if it’s a true Austrian style pancake, BUT it does taste different from the Canadian ones. The Canadian ones are usually thick and fluffy. The one I had this week was thin and chewy, and it usually goes with apple sauce or jam rather than … maple syrup 😛

In terms of how I got to try it, there’s actually a funny story. I was making stir-fry noodles (炒麵) on Thursday, and my floormates were making pancakes. After I was done, I just get some noodles and put the pan aside. When I got back to wash my dishes, this is what I saw…

Half of the pancake actually...

Well.. What I saw was a smiley face + a ㄑ shaped thing on the right. The picture was taken after I ate half of the face and the ㄑ 😛 They carved out the eyes and mouth, and placed carrots found in my noodles in those holes. It was so funny when I first saw it. While I was chewing the ㄑ, I asked them what it was. It was actually the arm of the smiley face XD

Do you guys remember that I posted this picture a while back?

Beef stock powder

Do you see the beef??

This is the stuff that I thought is a can of beef stock power, but did not really taste like it. On Friday, I saw my pancake-floormates again, and they had this same can! I was so excited, and I asked them what it actually is. They told me that it’s beef soup powder! Just add a few spoons of it to hot water, then you get beef soup! Of course, not the Chinese style beef soup. They were making a pancake soup which is sliced stripes of pancakes with beef soup. It’s pretty tasty. Anyway, I was disappointed knowing that it is not beef stock 😦 But  now I read the label again, It clearly says soup (suppen)!! I guess my German is improving, eh! At least there’s one happy thing about this story 😛

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